This weekend I am going to spend some time watching the NBA playoffs on TV. Some might say too much time, but that would just be an opinion, not a fact. I'm not alone in having this weekend plan in my state.
Perhaps that is one reason that I was inspired to write "Taking a Charge" for the Oklahoma Bar Journal this week. The column is not mainly about basketball, but refers to the fact that lawyers so often have to "take a charge" and absorb punishment on behalf of their client. It could be the lawyer defending a high profile client where the community is already convinced of guilt or any number of difficult things that happen in contested family law matters. It may be that a client has disregarded the lawyer's directions and now the lawyer is forced to take the heat for it. Over time taking all of this stress can have very negative consequences for the lawyer, including stress-related illnesses or burnout.
You cannot take care of your family and clients if you do not take care of yourself. I hope you download and enjoy this column. Try to take care of yourself. It is OK to take some time off to watch some hoops--or do whatever it is you enjoy. Download TakingACharge.Calloway.oklabarj